Surgical Procedures For Sleep Apnea – Rest Better With Expert Care

Surgical Procedures For Sleep Apnea – Rest Better With Expert Care 1
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Struggling with sleep disturbances caused by obstructive sleep apnea? ENT LDN offers advanced surgical procedures for sleep apnea to help patients achieve healthier, uninterrupted sleep. Sleep apnea occurs when airway blockages cause breathing interruptions during sleep, often leading to fatigue, snoring, and long-term health risks like heart disease.

For those who haven't responded well to CPAP machines or non-invasive treatments, surgery can provide a lasting solution. Our procedures include:

  • Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP): Remove excess throat tissue to open the airway.

  • Tonsillectomy: For cases where enlarged tonsils contribute to airway obstruction.

  • Inspire Therapy: An implantable device that stimulates the airway during sleep.

Why Choose ENT LDN for Sleep Apnea Surgery?

  • Experienced Surgeons: Led by Mr Lakhani, a highly skilled ENT specialist.

  • Onsite Diagnostics: Sleep assessments, MRI, and CT scans for precise diagnosis.

  • Customized Surgical Plans: Tailored to your unique health needs.

Left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to severe health complications like hypertension and stroke. Surgery can provide a permanent solution for better sleep quality and overall health improvement.

Book a consultation with ENT LDN today to explore personalized surgical options for sleep apnea relief.

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