2nd Sunday Jazz Jam At The Labyrinth Walk Coffee House Sept. 11, Dallas

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If  you enjoy playing or singing or just listening to Jazz in a quiet setting while having a glass of wine or cold beer, come on down to the Labyrinth Walk Coffee House on Sept. 11, 5-7 pm at 3839 W. Kiest Blvd, Dallas, TX 75233 for the 2nd Sunday of each month.  There is no admission fee.  Donations are distributed among the performers.

Players bring your instruments, voice and Real Books (Hal Leonard 6###sup/sup### edition VOL I & II) and join in. Something new? Bring it along as well with the sheet music and the lyrics. We have no equipment for musicians so please be as self contained as possible.

If you just want to sit and listen, bring your soft drinks, wine or beer and food, if you wish. Come planning on having a great time and hearing some of the finest musicians in the Metroplex and invite a friend to come with you.

A drum circle is scheduled for 7: 15.

The LWCH is a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers providing live music venue featuring a variety of musicians and events. Our events include our monthly Jazz Jam as well as both indoor and outdoor concerts.

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