
Stammering 1
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Stammering is speech difficulty in which the flow and timing of the speech are disrupted. It is quite tormenting to see a child trying to speak but is able to utter only a word after an extreme effort while it is equally surprising to meet adults in their thirties or forties who have the same problem as the little child.

About 2-5% people in the world suffer with this problem. This has been a visible disorder that usually is found in children, but adults have it too. So far our understanding about stammering is that it’s a genetic problem and that it is a neurological source of issue. The learning is still under constant review while the ones having it struggle to find a cure. It causes a discomfort in pronouncing some of the factors of the speech. You might find yourself repeating some syllables in order to finish speaking a single word out loud.

Potential Training
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

+971 555 459 604
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