Looking For Investment Opportunities And Partnership Contact Us ( [email protected] )

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we are private investor looking for a positive investment opportunities and business partnerships with a positive encouraging profit margin and who are in need of an additional capital for expansion , we are investing like a private investor and we have a huge ready investment capital close to US$30,000,000 (Thirty Million United States Dollars ) ready to invest in any business no matter how small provided its of income generating value .We are looking for investment partnerships and business owners in the Middle east in countries such as the United Arab Emirates ,Qatar ,Bahrain,Kuwait ,Oman,Saudi Arabia ,Iran, Afghanistan,Iraq, Russia, etc We need a serious business proposals directly from business owners no middle men or consultants.Direct business owners will be highly welcome.Please send us your positive inquiries to our business number or email us directly from here . 
N/B. We need serious inquiries.Business or company owners with already running company or businesses will be of added advantage.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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