How To Recover Deleted Blogger Blog Posts?

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Easy Methods To Recover Deleted Blogger Blog Post -  How to restore deleted post back to blog ?
Google search engines crawl article posted frequently, index them and saves a cache version of the page, and keeps on updating it.

We have numerous possible choices to retrieve it back.

  • Google Cache

  • Draft Post

  • Feed Burner

  • Way2back machine

Recover deleted blog post with "google cache"

Whenever a blog article is posted, often search engine will make a cache version of the page, which will be updated in a regular time interval,which has all the information about the particular URL last appeared on site before deletion.

To find the deleted blog post Url:
Type in google search engine.
if you know the url simply type cache:yourblogurl in search page or address bar directly to open cache version
if you know the title of Post simply type title name

Recover Deleted Unpublished Draft Post

Unless or until you clear the browser history it is easy to get back your deleted draft post.

Look up into your browser history (or)
Type blogger on address bar it will list some recently visited blogger sites.
Open all the address to find the draft post.

Retrieve removed blog post with feed burner

whenever you create and publish post on blogger the feed burner associated with it will automatically create a version
of your blog post. To retrieve the blog post simply visit the feed address and there you will find all your feeds listed.

Way Back Machine - Web Archive

Blogger will remove URL from its cache version that were dead for 90 day's, but we have another crawler called "way back machine" just like google crawler, this crawler also crawls and saves cached file in its database.

  • Simply visit

  • Enter the url into search field and click browse history.

  • It plot's the dates of the url crawled last.

How to Find Deleted Websites and Blog Posts: WayBack Machine and Google's Cache

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