If you find yourself locked out of your home, car, or office?
emergency locksmith service is prepared to help you with any kind of emergency locksmith problem no matter what the hour!
Call our 24/7 emergency locksmith number for fast response locksmith services. Our emergency locksmiths are available 24*7 all over Dubai and can be on hand within 30min, for more details visit our website or call us today!
Kurtuba Locks Repairing & Key Cutting
Near Satwa Big Mosque Opposite
Deniba International exchange,
and Boracay Trading ,P.O. Box: 32942,
Satwa Dubai-UAE
Website: https://www.locksmithdubai.com/emergency-services/
Google Map Address:- https://g.page/r/Ce4DjtwDmeziEAE
Phone No:- 050-409-2786
Landline No:- 009714-344-9609
Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/locksmithindubai/
LinkedIn :- https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/kurtuba-lock-repairing-&-key-cutting---locksmith-dubai