Become Foster Carer In UK

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If you are fostering children via your local authority you will be paid the foster carer’s allowance according to the criteria they set. Foster carer’s allowance varies in each local authority but the rate set by the government starts at £123 per week for babies, right up to £216 per week for 16-17 year olds with an enhancement for London and the South East of England. These are the standard recommended rates and depending on the circumstances, you are likely to receive higher foster carer’s allowance than this.

Independent Fostering Agencies (IFA’s)
 become foster carer in UK agencies pay fostering allowances in a slightly different way; foster parent working with an independent agency will receive a fostering fee of up to £650 per child per week although this will vary according to the needs of the child that is placed, for example:

Parent and Baby
Remand Fostering
Children with complex needs
Private Fostering
Where a private arrangement has been made between a parent and a foster parent, the responsibility for any foster fee or allowance falls to the parent. In this circumstance the foster carer is responsible for claiming the correct benefits for the child like tax credits and housing benefit. There is no state remuneration or fostering allowance payable in this case.
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