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Trade V is our popular product which generates buy/sell signals for stock futures, equities, indices (Nifty & Bank Nifty), currency, MCX metals and equities.

The signals are positional and valid for up to 1-3 days for most segments and around 4 - 6 days for equities.

Wealth of Information

Trade V goes beyond just buy/sell signals. For example: In stock futures section you get Trend Strength which aids you in decision making. The stock futures and metals section show new signals, stop loss and target values in advance. In index section you can see last trades at a click of a button.

Favourites & Alerts

The favourites section allows you to track stocks that you are trading in or that interest you. Alerts feature gives you notifications if the signal of a particular instrument changes. This makes life easy as you do not have to check for updated signals every time.

Multiple Platforms

Trade V is available as a desktop software, web application and a mobile app. The mobile app is available for android and ios platforms.
Performance Report
Trade V performs well if used consistently and annually. However expecting it to perform every month is not the right approach as this is stock market and not fixed deposit. To get the best from the product we recommend that you go for a 1 year subscription.

Stock Futures

The stock futures section shows over 100 stocks and their trades. The trades are accompanied by their stop loss and target values.
Get trading signals for Nifty and Bank Nifty. In this section you can also see last 10 trades.


If you wish to do short term trading in equities then this is the section to focus. You will get trades for over 40 stocks which are divided into various sectors. You can pick one or more sectors and trade the stocks present in them. However here you do get stock loss / target values in advance.


Get trading signals for around 9 metals here. Metals are traded in the MCX exchange. Popular metals such as Gold, Silver, Crude Oil etc are present.


Get signal for currencies such as USD, JPY, GBP and EUR.
S2 Analytics
Delhi, India

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