HawkeyePedershaab Concrete Technologies Pvt. Ltd (AHCT) is one of the best
manufacturers for concrete pipe making machines, MBK cage welding
machines, mould equipments, accessories etc in India. With AHCT, what you get
is cost effective solutions for all types of projects that require concrete
materials and concrete pipes. Infrastructure development is one of the key
areas that our presence has been felt strongly. Recently Apollo Inffratech Pvt.
Ltd. has gone global through a joint venture with “Hawkeye Pedershaab
concrete technologies worldwide (USA). This Initiative came into effect in the
year 2012.
The company is headed by a very competent team of directors led by Mr Ajit T.
Patel, Who has had more than 30 years’ experience in the road construction
equipment making industry. The team of directors is highly qualified engineers
from various fields and all have contributed to the success of this business.